Blessed Solstice! How to Celebrate

Blessed Solstice! How to Celebrate

Sam Trathen
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Blessed Solstice! You may know that the summer solstice is one of the best days for feasting throughout the year. And as it's our mission here at Groennfell to spread the joy of feasting, we come to you today bearing tips for how to make the most of today's holiday.

But first, check out this sweet new solstice merch, courtesy of our beloved kept artist, Autumn Dufresne (who also drew the labels for our Chaos Cyser and Wild Hunt). This design is only on sale this week, so be sure to grab it before it's gone. And don't worry if you just placed your Meadaritaville order-- shipping is free!

Make Some Mead Bread

Honey is the traditional treat of the summer solstice, so be sure to include it in all your solstice treats.

We published this mead bread recipe alongside our Mead Thanksgiving Plans a while back, but it makes the perfect solstice snack.

Breakfast (aka The Macy's Day Parade)
Mead Bread
This is a good one for your Thanksgiving morning. It comes together quickly, and you can bake it before the oven is monopolized by a turkey the size of Your Entire House. Or bake it the night before; it’ll keep.

A couple of notes about this recipe - As written, this makes a hearty loaf with a crunchy, buttery crust. For a more traditional quick-bread texture with a softer crust, mix the butter into the loaf with your mead, rather than pouring over the top at the end. You can also use whatever mead you’d like for this bread, resulting in a differently flavored loaf at the end of the day. We’ve used Valkyrie’s Choice and Root of All Evil with great results!

3 cups flour
3 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1⁄4 cup sugar
12 oz of your favorite mead (Room temperature is best, but don’t stress if the kids have been bouncing around the house all gosh darn morning and you forgot to take it out of the fridge. It’ll still be good. Feel free to drink the rest of the can or use it for your Meadmosa. We won’t judge.)
1⁄4 cup melted butter

Preheat oven to 375˚F and grease a loaf pan. Sift dry ingredients together (flour, baking powder, salt, sugar). Pour in mead and mix into dry ingredients until just combined. Transfer into loaf pan. Pour melted butter over the top and bake for 50-60 minutes - or until toothpick comes out clean from the center of the loaf. Let rest at least 15 minutes before cutting. I know, it’s tough, but your bread will thank you for it.

Have a Bonfire

The beacons are lit! Groennfell calls for aid!

Just kidding. Bonfires are a fantastic summer pastime, but they're also a traditional way to celebrate Lithia (another name for the summer solstice) in countries all over the world.

The most authentic way to do it to build one on top of a mountain. But if you don't have a mountain available, a clear-cut, brush-free area will suit. The old stories imply that ancient cultures thought the fire would help fuel the sun on its longest day. But bonfires were also associated with magic and could banish demons and challenge fate. Be sure to check the burning regulations in your area and check out these tips on bonfire safety!

Enjoy Nature -- Especially Bodies of Water

Like Beltane, the summer solstice is a time to be out in nature. Whether you're local to the ocean, a lake, river, or even just a watering hole, the summer solstice is a great time to remember that which gives us life. Many cultures around the world use local bodies of water in the summer solstice traditions.

In recent years, activists have even started using the summer solstice to advocate for sacred water rights and conservation

Drink Mead

Mead and dandelion wine are the traditional bevvies for summer solstice. For non-drinkers and kids, adding honey or dandelion syrup to a seltzer or cold tea will do.

Not sure where to start? Our Summer Mead Bundle is full of refreshing brews for you to enjoy with pals.

Gather with Friends

The best part of feasting is the company. During this past year, it's become very hard to do just that. As you get back into the groove of socialization, be sure to show your friends how much your love and appreciate them.


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